Satoshi’s Girls: 30 NFT Tips & Tricks

Satoshi's Girls
4 min readMar 7, 2022


In this article, we will cover 30 NFT tips & tricks to help anyone learn, thrive, and flourish on their NFT journey.

Lets jump in…

Get on Twitter! Twitter hosts a complete assortment of personalities. This is the main platform that brings the whole space together and you will get a sense of the zeitgeist in NFT space. Follow certain influencers & buyers. Don’t forget some of the tools that are at your disposal on Twitter. You can create lists to organize your common topics. Engage in Twitter spaces to see who the people you like & follow are thinking and saying in real-time.

This one is simple… Don’t FOMO buy anything!

…Don’t FOMO sell anything!

Take advantage of gas when it is low to maximize profits. If you want to pay the lowest Ethereum fees, you should perform transactions between 9 and 11 pm UTC (dappradar, 2022).

Set a time limit when listing your NFT! This way you will avoid incurring GAS fees when changing or canceling your listing. This wasted money can build up into a big loss. Setting short durations works best and in a turbulent market with a fluctuating floor, this will work in your favor.

Always list above the floor.

This is a new and exciting space, where you will meet like-minded people so don’t forget to have fun!

The NFT market is volatile. Only spend what you can afford to lose.

Invest in a hardware wallet (Ledger is recommended) for your long-term holds. A hardware wallet keeps your private keys offline and inaccessible to digital threats.

Join a project’s Discord before your purchase. Get a feel for the community and see how active it is.

Consider the rarity levels when purchasing an NFT. Often, rarer NFTs go for a more premium price since they are more unique. What makes an NFT rare? It’s Traits. Traits under 1% are extremely rare.

Turn your email notification on once you have listed an item. The platform you are using will inform you of relevant occurrences or activities, such as offers from different buyers. MetaMask does not notify holders if a sale happens.

Don’t overexpose in a single project. A diverse NFT portfolio will minimize your risk.

Stay liquid. You never know what opportunity awaits around the corner.

If you lose money on an NFT, it’s not the end of the world. Be smart and only use what you can afford to lose.

If you believe in a project and have the funds available, buy 2 NFTs. If you are anything like us, you like to HODL. This allows you to HODL one and sell the other to stay liquid.

Buy NFTs you visually love. If you lose money on it, at least you got some art you can enjoy.

Find your community! It may take some searching, but when you find your family, you’ll know. A community you love makes your NFT journey that much better!

Look for a good distribution of unique token holders. Close to 40% or higher we recommend.

Have a plan! That might be, HODLing or selling at a certain price. Just know the reason you bought in and stick to it. Circumstance may change your plan but don’t FOMO Sell.

Understand the reason why you are buying into a project? Buying the Utility? Investing in the artist? Flipping NFTs for profit?

Don’t engage in private sales. Use OpenSea or your preferred marketplace to do a private sale.

Do your own research. Don’t follow the crowd.

If you’re hesitant to sell, that’s your gut telling you not to sell!

A sure way to increase your NFT profit potential is to buy from the floor. These will be the lowest-priced NFTs.

Buy and collect NFTs you believe in. As humans, we heavily research more into things we love. If you love an NFT category or specific projects, you will have better insight and knowledge when it comes to buying into a profitable project.

This space is continuously evolving. Keep yourself updated!

Be aware of bots on OpenSea. A lot of WETH bids you receive will be bots offering a fraction of the value. If you are thinking about accepting the bid, do some investigating first.

Be patient.

Lastly, go out there and enjoy yourself! No one is perfect. If you make mistakes, learn from them and grow! We’re all still so early in the space.

We hope you found this article useful! If you want to stay up-to-date with all things Satoshi’s Girls, be sure you follow our socials!




Satoshi's Girls

NFT Collection of Bold & Unique Girls On The Ethereum Blockchain. Supporting Mental Health